First of we would like to acknowledge that this article was inspired by #TheMirrorProject and we thank them for their bravery. After watching their video on Youtube we thought is was very strange that a company who has committed so many infractions could be allowed to create any kind of vaccine, and even worse, try to make it mandatory! So we decided to do our own investigation. What we found is astounding to say the least. Hence the title!
The title of this article speaks for itself. But why do we call them criminals?[1] More than just an article this piece is an online publication that goes through some of the highlights in Pfizer’s criminal history throughout it’s (too) long existence. Every single part of this writing has been thoroughly documented by multiple sources and is a matter of public record.
All relevant sources have been duly documented and linked at the bottom of the article. We have also gone so far as to make offline and cloud backups of ALL pages we are link to in light of recent censorship of anything negative about Big Pharma.
We would also like to state upfront, we are NOT against vaccines in general. This article is not a bash on vaccines. Some vaccines have proven their value over decades of use. One example would be the polio vaccine. However other vaccines have no value at all (and we are speaking from both personal and general exerience), like the yearly flu jab.
The Background:
Pfizer was founded in 1849 by two cousins, Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart in Brooklyn, New York. [2] Initially the company manufactured fine chemicals. Fine chemicals are single, pure and complex chemicals that are only produced in small amounts by multipurpose plants. Most manufacturing firms produce chemicals in bulk using standardized reactions. Fine chemicals, on the other hand, are produced by a limited number of companies. The manufacture around 350 different products.[3]
Lawsuits and Settlements
Before 2018 courts have dismissed thousands of cases against Pfizer and this has made the company cocky and think they could get away with anything. In 2018, Pfizer started facing a rising number of lawsuits for some of their most popular drugs and decided to resolve fraudulent marketing and health care fraud lawsuits.[1]
Pfizer has been sued for a list of products including:
- Protonix
- Prempro
- Chantix
- Depo-Testosterone
- Effexor
- Zoloft
- Eliquis
- Lipitor
This is nowhere near a complete list of drugs though. There have also been many drug recalls throughout the years. As far back as 2005 Pfizer had to withdraw one of their drugs (Bextra) from the market.[4]
Murder in unapproved clinical trials
Fraud by itself is bad enough, but Pfizer actually killed at least 11 innocent children while conducting unapproved clinical trials in Nigeria as far back as 1996. Each of four families received compensation in the amount of $175,000 (13?) years after this heinous crime in an out-of-court settlement.
After Pfizer gave them the experimental anti-meningitis medication, Trovan, in 1996, 11 children died and dozens were left disabled. The children were part of a group of 200 given the drug during a meningitis outbreak as part of an unauthorized medical trial comparing the efficacy of Trovan with the existing medication.
A whistleblower lawsuit filed by Juan Walterspiel, a former associate medical director of Pfizer’s central research division, who had responsibility for international protocol development. Dr Walterspiel claimed that Pfizer fired him after he warned the company—before and after the study was conducted—that the study methods employed by Pfizer in the Nigerian trial were “improper and unsafe.” Dr Walterspiel’s action has since been settled.[6]
Judge Shehu Atiku in Kano ordered arrest warrants for the head of Pfizer in Nigeria, Ngozi Edozien, and the senior officials Lare Baale and Segun Donguro, after they failed to attend court. Government prosecutors in Nigeria say that Pfizer used critically ill children as “guinea pigs” to study Pfizer’s experimental drug trovafloxacin.[7]
What Did Pfizer Have To Say About The Lawsuit?
Pfizer has previously said that it obtained “verbal consent” from the parents of the affected children, and that the drugs were administered in a way that was “sound from medical, scientific, regulatory and ethical standpoints”.[8]
A Question To The Reader And The Authorities
Since when are medical trials conducted with “verbal consent”? The FDA defines informed consent on their website as:
Information is provided to potential participants through the informed consent process. Informed consent means that the purpose of the research is explained to them (participants), including what their role would be and how the trial will work. A central part of the informed consent process is the informed consent document.
The FDA is in fact pretty clear in defining all the prerequisites for a medical trial. Here is what needs to be in place before any medical trial.
Before enrolling in a clinical trial, the following information must be given to each potential research subject:
- A statement explaining that the study involves research.
- An explanation of the purposes of the research.
- The expected length of time for participation.
- A description of all the procedures that will be completed during enrollment on the clinical trial.
- Information about all experimental procedures the will be completed during the clinical trial.
- A description of any predictable risks.
- Any possible discomforts (e.g., injections, frequency of blood test etc.) that could occur as a result of the research.
- Any possible benefits that may be expected from the research.
- Information about any alternative procedures or treatment (if any) that might benefit the research subject.
- A statement describing:
- the confidentiality of information collected during the clinical trial,
- how records that identify the subject will be kept
- the possibility that the FDA may inspect the records.
- For research involving more than minimal risk information including
- an explanation as to whether any compensation or medical treatments are available if injury occurs,
- what they consist of, or
- where more information may be found.
- questions about the research,
- research subjects’ rights,
- injury related to the clinical trial.
- Research subject participation is voluntary,
- Research subjects have the right to refuse treatment and will not losing any benefits for which they are entitled,
- Research subjects may choose to stop participation in the clinical trial at any time without losing benefits for which they are entitled.
When Appropriate, one or more of the following elements of information must also be provided in the informed consent document according to the FDA website:
- A statement that the research treatment or procedure may involve unexpected risks (to the subject, unborn baby, if the subject is or may become pregnant).
- Any reasons why the research subject participation may be ended by the clinical trial investigator (e.g., failing to follow the requirements of the trial or changes in lab values that fall outside of the clinical trial limits).
- Added costs to the research subject that may result from participating in the trial.
- The consequence of leaving a trial before it is completed (e.g. if the research and procedures require a slow and organized end of participation).
- A statement that important findings discovered during the clinical trial will be provided to the research subject.
- The approximate number of research subjects that will be enrolled in the study.
A potential research subject must have an opportunity to:
- read the consent document,
- ask questions about anything they do not understand.
Usually, if one is considering participating in a clinical trial, he or she may take the consent document home to discuss with family, friend or advocate.
An investigator should only get consent from a potential research subject if:
- enough time was given to the research subject to consider whether or not to participate
- the investigator has not persuaded or influenced the potential research subject.
The information must be in language that is understandable to the research subject.
Informed consent may not include language that:
- the research subject is made to ignore or appear to ignore any of the research subject’s legal rights,
- releases or appears to release the investigator, the sponsor, the institution, or its agents from their liability for negligence.[10]
Pfizer Accused of Corporate Greed and Price Gouging
In the United Kingdom the companies (Pfizer and Flynn Pharma), were also accused of price gouging. This resulted in a record £84.2 million fine by Britain’s competition watchdog. The charge?
According to sources, Pfizer Inc and Flynn Pharma Ltd. were fined for abusing their dominant position in the U.K. by charging unfair prices for unbranded versions of the anti-epilepsy drug Epanutin. The amount the NHS was charged for 100-milligram packs of the drug “rocketed” from 2.83 pounds to 67.50 pounds, before dropping to 54 pounds starting in May 2014, the CMA said Wednesday. This equates to a 2600% price increase.[11]
The Competition and Markets Authority argued that Pfizer’s epilepsy drug Epanutin was under price controls as a branded medication, so the company licensed the drug to Flynn Pharma, which could sell it as a generic, and jacked up the price by 2,600%. Under a supply agreement, Pfizer manufactured the med, and CMA said Flynn paid Pfizer more than the drug giant could charge for its branded version. According to authorities, the price increased overnight from £2.83 to £67.50 for an 84-pack of 100mg capsules.
Pfizer’s Attempt At Dodging Taxes in The United States
On the Americans For Tax Fairness website, in a report dated February 2016, we found another damning piece of evidence where Pfizer tried to dodge paying taxes by merging with Allergan, a drug firm based in the tax haven of Ireland.
The report continues to explain how the move to Ireland will be largely a change of address to evade U.S. taxes, as the combined company will still be mainly owned by the current shareholders of Pfizer and will continue to be managed and directed from Manhattan.[12]
Pfizer Inc. and Allergan PLC terminated their planned $160 billion merger after the Obama administration took aim at the deal that would have moved the biggest drug company in the U.S. to Ireland to lower its taxes.[13]
The list of fraud, deceit and other illicit activities committed by Pfizer throughout history is actually much longer than what is outlined in this article. We only touched on some of the highlights in their less than illustrious existence. The fact that the British Government is using the exact same company that overcharged them for phenytoin sodium capsules is a mistery to us.[11]
In closing we would urge you to watch the video that inspired this article below. #TheMirrorProject
Researched Sources:
- Nigerian Report
- Tax Evasion
- https://articulos.ml/improper-unsafe-trials
- https://articulos.ml/pfizer-judge
- http://htlnk.com/noconsent
- https://bit.ly/2V8johg
- http://htlnk.com/informedconsent
- https://htlnk.com/pfizerlawsuits2018
- http://htlnk.com/pricegouging
- https://articulos.ml/dealbreaker
Other sources:
Lenzer, Jeanne. “Nigerian judge orders arrests of Pfizer officials.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 336,7634 (2008): 11. doi:10.1136/bmj.39444.446725.DB
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Carl Riedel is an experienced writer focused on using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to produce insightful articles. Passionate about free speech, he leverages OSINT to delve into public data, crafting stories that illuminate underreported issues, enriching public discourse with perspectives often overlooked by mainstream media.