As one of our subscribers in Alberata Canada told us today:
We just went under lockdown here again in Alberta… and I consider us to have a better/more advanced health care and research… because of the oil that's been here, we've been fortunate to explore things and grow in ways other economies can't…
YET, here is the President of the Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians speaking out against covid… and how the idea of covid has been hijacked for other purposes… He raises concerns about the politicization of the pandemic, suggesting that the focus has shifted from public health to advancing specific agendas. Many individuals, he claims, are using fear and misinformation to manipulate perspectives and undermine trust in scientific authorities. During this critical time, his remarks echo the broader sentiment of uncertainty that influenced the Canada Election 2021 voting plea, as leaders sought to address the pressing challenges posed by the pandemic while navigating public apprehensions.
Here is a full trascript of the video. You can watch the video itself below.
I will call this community and public services committee meeting to order it is november, 13th, 2020 and uh. This is the edition which will begin now. Okay, so we are now moving on to uh item 6.7 uh, the amendment to extend the temporary mandatory face coverings, bylaw uh.
We have a number of speakers and i, as far as i understand, perhaps some speakers have been added over the break. Is that correct mental click to uh s peterson s peterson, mr chairman, this is dr harkinson.
I just want to let you know i'm standing right, oh okay! Well, we would love to hear from you what floor is yours. Thank you very much. Um, i do appreciate the opportunity to address you on this very important matter.
What i'm going to say, is lay language and blunt it's, counter narrative, and so so you don't immediately. Think i'm a quack. I'm, going to briefly outline my credentials so that you can understand where i'm coming from in terms of knowledge base.
In all of this, i'm, a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology, i trained at cambridge university. In the uk i'm, the ex-president of the pathology section of the medical association.
I was previously an assistant professor in the faculty of medicine, doing a lot of teaching. I was the chairman of the royal college of physicians of canada, examination committee in pathology in ottawa, but, more to the point i'm.
Currently, the chairman of a biotechnology company in north carolina selling a covid19 test, and i might you might say i know a little bit about all this. The bottom line is simply this. There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians.
It's outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus other than protecting older, more vulnerable people.
It should be thought of nothing more than a bad flu season. This is not ebola, it's, not sars. It's, politics playing medicine and that's, a very dangerous game. There is no action of any kind needed other than what happened last year.
When we got i felt unwell. We stayed home, we took chicken noodle soup, we didn't visit granny and we decided when we would return to work. We didn't. Have anyone need anyone to tell us masks are utterly useless.
There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper, masks and fabric masks are simply virtue. Signaling, they're, not even worn effectively. Most of the time it's utterly ridiculous. Seeing these unfortunate uneducated people and not saying that in a purchaser's, sense, seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face social distancing, is also useless because, because covet is spread by aerosols, which Travel 30 meters, or so before, landing enclosures have had such terrible unintended consequences.
They should you everywhere should be open tomorrow, as was stated in the great barrington declaration that i circulated prior to this meeting and a word on testing. I do want to emphasize that i'm in the business of testing for covid.
I do want to emphasize that positive test results. Do not underlined in neon mean a clinical infection, it's, simply driving public hysteria, and all testing should stop unless you're presenting to hospital with some respiratory problem.
All that should be done is to protect the vulnerable and to give them all in the nursing. Homes that are under your control give them all three to five thousand international units of vitamin d every day which which has been shown to radically reduce the likelihood of infection, and i would remind you all that using the province's, own statistics.
The risk of death under 65 in this province is one in three hundred thousand one. In three hundred thousand, you've got to get a grip on this. The scale of the response that you're undertaking with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous, given the consequences of acting in a way that you're, proposing all kinds of suicides, business closures, funerals weddings, etc, etc.
It's, simply outrageous. It's, just another bad flu and you ' Ve got to get your minds around that. Let people make their own decisions. You should be totally out of the business of medicine. You're being led by down the garden path by the chief medical officer of hell for this province.
I'm, absolutely outraged that this has reached this level. It should all stop tomorrow. Thank you very much.
As stated in The Great Barrington Declaration:
Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.
If you feel like us that the current lockdows are illogical, fraudulent to the point of being criminal, you can help by signing The Great Barrington Declaration. Here is the link: https://gbdeclaration.org/
We cannot help but wonder why this video was not covered an highlighted by any mainstream media outlet. It makes you wonder why mainstream media is ignoring people like Dr Roger Hodkinson. To us it seems like they they have something to gain from this whole lockdown. Media is supposed to be impartial, but clearly this is not the case with CNN, CBS, Reuters and other major news outlets.

Carl Riedel is an experienced writer focused on using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to produce insightful articles. Passionate about free speech, he leverages OSINT to delve into public data, crafting stories that illuminate underreported issues, enriching public discourse with perspectives often overlooked by mainstream media.