Despite numerous studies and proof from several frontline doctors, many hospitals are still refusing to use Ivermectin as an alternative to treat Covid ICU patients. The latest example of this (very unethical) behavior to pop on our radar was a story published in TheEpochTimes.
In the publication a judge in Butler County, Ohio, granted an emergency relief petition brought by the patient’s wife and ordered a hospital to administer Ivermectin to a ventilated COVID-19 patient.
According to the Ohio Capital Journal, Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ruled last week that West Chester Hospital, which is part of the University of Cincinnati’s health network UC Health, must “immediately administer Ivermectin” to patient Jeffrey Smith after his doctor prescribed 30 mg of Ivermectin for 21 days. Smith tested positive for COVID-19 on July 9 and was admitted to West Chester Hospital on July 15, according to his wife Julie Smith’s lawsuit. According to court filings, by Aug. 19, the ventilator was running at 80 percent capacity, and Smith’s prospects of survival had dropped to less than 30 percent. The hospital declared at the time that it had exhausted all alternatives in its COVID-19 therapy program. “There is no reason why the defendant couldn’t approve or allow alternative therapies if the benefits outweigh the risks.”
Julie had read about certain litigation reported in the Chicago Tribune and The Buffalo News, in which patients with COVID-19 who were given Ivermectin recovered. These individuals had won cases requiring their hospitals to use Ivermectin to treat them. All of the plaintiffs in these instances were represented by Ralph Lorigo, the chairman of the Erie County Conservative Party in New York, who eventually became one of Julie’s lawyers.
Julie requested that the hospital treat her husband with Ivermectin, according to court filings, but the hospital refused, despite Julie’s pledge to relieve them from “any and all” liability. Dr. Fred Wagshul later recommended Ivermectin to Julie’s husband after Julie sought medical counsel. However, the hospital refused to comply, causing her to initiate a lawsuit against it. Julie wrote in the affidavit, “With nothing to lose, little to no danger, and the defendant likely to commence palliative care, there is no justification for it to refuse Dr. Wagshul’s order and prescription to administer Ivermectin.”
Wagshul is a founding member of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a nonprofit working to establish effective treatment protocols to prevent COVID-19 infection and treat COVID-19 patients during the pandemic. FLCCC adopted Ivermectin as a fundamental medicine in its COVID-19 prevention and treatment procedures in October of 2020. Its website cites a number of recent studies that show Ivermectin is a safe, effective, and low-cost treatment for COVID-19, a disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. “There are basically no pharmacological interactions or negative effects.”
Despite Studies to The Contrary Federal Agencies Oppose Ivermectin For COVID-19
Despite some promising studies on the effectiveness of Ivermectin in combating Covid, Fauci, The FDA and the CDC maintain a negative approach to treatment with the drug. This is also not the first time that a family member had to take a hospital to court to get treatment for a Chinese Virus patient. Elmhurst Hospital was also sued recently in a similar case.
Monahan said the hospital’s own doctors did not want to administer the medication, which is normally used to treat patients suffering from diseases caused by parasitic worms. The Food and Drug Administration has cautioned against its use in COVID-19 cases, saying its safety and efficacy for that application has not been established.
But some researchers and physicians say they have seen good results from the drug, and when Fype’s daughter Desareta read a news story about an upstate New York woman who recovered from COVID-19 after receiving ivermectin, she went to court to secure its use for her mother.
North America News recommends for families who find themselves in a similar situation contact Ralph C. Lorigo to look over their case.

Carl Riedel is an experienced writer focused on using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to produce insightful articles. Passionate about free speech, he leverages OSINT to delve into public data, crafting stories that illuminate underreported issues, enriching public discourse with perspectives often overlooked by mainstream media.